Izpostavili so ironijo njene kampanje.
Prva dama je Melania Trump je tvitnila o svoji pobudi o družabnih omrežjih "Be Best": "Ko se zapuščina #BeBest bliža koncu v @WhiteHouse, moramo še naprej dajati glas otrokom našega naroda in težavam, ki vplivajo na njihovo življenje," je zapisala. "Vrednote in duh Američanov so navdihnili Be Best in te iste vrednote bodo nadaljevale njegovo poslanstvo."
As the legacy of #BeBest comes to a close at the @WhiteHouse, we must continue to give a voice to our Nation's children & the issues that impact their lives. It's the values & spirit of the American people that inspired Be Best & it's those values that will carry on its mission. pic.twitter.com/fRBTWphmlj
— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) January 15, 2021
Tvit je objavila en teden po tem, ko je Twitter njenemu možu Donaldu Trumpu trajno prepoved uporabo njegovega najljubšega družbenega medija. Uporabniki Twitterja so hitro opozorili na ironijo twitov prve dame, glede na nedavne moževe prepovedi uporabe Twitterja, Facebooka, Instagrama, YouTuba in drugih.
The legacy of #BeBest was sealed Jan 6 at the Capital, and your husband getting banned off twitter. That’s the legacy of your thingy.
— Andy Cohen (@Andy) January 15, 2021
#BeBest has been a painfully absurd fraud. Your husband tried to bully a nation into keeping him in power—and as a result five people died and the US was traumatized. Let’s hope the legacy here is one of oblivious hypocrisy. (Oh yeah, caged kids. He did that, too.) https://t.co/M2ZQONY32w
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) January 15, 2021
The legacy? Bahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahaha
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) January 15, 2021
Your husband is the biggest online bully the world’s ever seen. Your mission failed miserably. And it was just more propaganda.
What legacy? Your husband demonstrated to children all over America that bullying wasn't just okay, it was something the President of the United States does. He modeled childish temper tantrums and insults for four years. That's your legacy, lady. https://t.co/d0wNRT5hRv
— Elizabeth Spiers (@espiers) January 15, 2021
Thank you, First Lady. Your Be Best initiative cleared social media of its biggest cyber bully. Thank you for your effort and all you’ve done. pic.twitter.com/mSj6nMuUW1
— Ed (@EdbrohamLincoln) January 15, 2021
Melania je leta 2018 lansirala Be Best, katerega namen je takrat dejala, da se osredotoča na "dobro počutje, boj proti opioidom in pozitivnost na družbenih omrežjih."
Fotografije: Profimedia