House of Holland

7. 8. 2007

Ta nori britanski tandem, ki ga gonita oblikovalec Chris Williams in stilist Henry Holland, me je tako navdušil s svojimi divjimi potiski, da hočem vse njihove T-majice. Prijetno presenečenje je tudi majhna kolekcija, saj vsega skupaj predstavlja 13 ženskih in tri moške outfite. Kratko in jedrnato, narejeno tako, da se zaljubiš.

Kolekcija je odlično predstavljena tudi na njihovi spletni strani in naj vam bo moj namig o prav nič ošabnih cenah – 35 angleških za eno krasotico – dovolj, da si boste kaj od norega privoščili tudi vi. Sporočite mi, kako vam pristaja nova majica iz holandske hiše, pa se bom pobahala še jaz . .

Hočete izvedeti, kako je blagovna znamka nastala? Avtorja odgovarjata kar s pesmijo:

There once was a boy called Henry,

(Whose taste was somewhat bendy…),

With a pash for fash,

And all things flash,

He was quite the talk of the trendy.

One day Henry had an idea,

And a genius one it was clear,

For a range of t-shirts,

That were so hip they hurt,

"Anna Wintour'll love 'em", he cheered!

So he set about thinking of slogans,

That the fash crowd would lap up like no-one's,

His fave celebs,

Designers (and plebs),

None were safe, and he had so much fun!

That's how House of Holland was born,

(on the name he never was torn),

"Buy this Coleen! ",

His first t-shirt screamed,

And so Heat magazine got on board…

The rest, as they say, is history,

And there really is no great mystery,

If you want to be cool,

At work, play or school,

Better snap one up pretty damn swiftly!

Aleksandra Brlan

Fotografije ImaxTree