Chiara nas ni razočarala.
Chiara Ferragni se je vlerajšnji večer sprehodila po rdeči preprogi v Benetkah. Po pričakovanjih nas je navdušila v čudoviti večerni obleki Dior Haute Couture, ki jo je posebaj za njo oblikovala Maria Grazia Chiuri .
Pred tem je isti večer nosila bolj sproščeno mini obleko.
Chiara je pred nekaj dnevi na Instagramu objavila tudi vse stajlinge, ki jih je na beneški rdeči preprogi nosila do sedaj.
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Since I’m heading to Venezia to officially present to the world @chiaraferragniunposted, the documentary about my story I thought about sharing all my previous Venice red carpets 🥰 My first two red carpets were in 2011, a few days apart: I was in Venice for a job and, when offered to walk the red carpet I immediately said yes. Wore an Amen dress I was gifted and went for it. Two days later @carlomengucci helped me with a Cacharel short dress inspired by the 70s. Scared, excited, barely found photos of myself among all the Hollywood people walking the same carpet, but was so happy anyway. The second year I went to Venice Film Festival was 2013. At that time I had just moved to Los Angeles and was starting getting international recognition so, back in Italy, felt like a real star in a gorgeous @albertaferretti dress. That also was the year in which my attitude towards my success drastically changed: for the first time I learnt to love myself, accept myself and encourage myself, and It showed. 2016 was my third time in Venice, and the red carpet in @philosophyofficial was fun and full of good feelings: after my “single summer” I had learnt to be 100% happy by myself and.. Well, @fedez had asked me for a date a few days later so I was also excited for that 😝 2017 was a red carpet to remember as well: in a custom made @philosophyofficial dress that made “history” for showing a little baby bump even if my stomach was completely flat and starting the “pregnancy bet”. I tried to avoid the gossip, but my little Leo was already with me on that carpet, a little edamame of 2 months. Tomorrow I’m going to walk the most magical Venice red carpet and I still can’t believe it. If I had said to 2011 Chiara that 8 years later she would present her story in a documentary at that same Venice Film Festival she would have probably laughed at me and told me “Ah, dreams”. Sometimes they do come true ❤️
A post shared by Chiara Ferragni (@chiaraferragni) on Sep 3, 2019 at 1:42am PDT
Fotografije: Profimedia
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