Mojstri modne ilustracije

4. 1. 2011
Mojstri modne ilustracije

Takoj, ko sem jo videla sem vedela, da jo hočem. Vanjo sem se zaljubila že septembra, ko sem z naslovnico in dvema press ilustracijama v napovedniku rubrike Mozaik dražila sebe in vse bralke revije Elle.

David Downton, avtor in danes eden najuspešnejših modnih ilustratorjev je o njej na svojem blogu zapisal: »For the last two years I have immersed myself in the work of the 20th century’s greatest fashion illustrators. It wasn’t a chore. What drew me to fashion in the first place was not the clothes and not the shows, but a group of artists whose elegant, reductive line recorded and interpreted the world of fashion in a way that was unique. They were the Masters of Fashion illustration and they are the subject of my new book.”

In potem je prišla. Zavita v modri papir, me je čakala pod novoletnim borom. Knjiga je impresivna. Davidovo ilustracijo manekenke v rumeni Valli obleki pa sem že izsledila v eni od berlinskih galerij. Za rojstni dan jo dobim za 300 evrov. Upam.

Fotografije Petra Windschnurer

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